Club Sinai offers the best full-service, Jewish after school program all for around $9/hour!
Club Sinai is premium, full-service after school program. That means there aren't separate charges for transportation, homework help, activities, or healthy snacks. Partnership in Temple Sinai is not required but we would love to welcome you. If you do decide to join our temple family you will receive a generous discount on your Club Sinai rates.
Children can be enrolled for 2, 3, 4 or 5 days per week.
2 Days/Week
2pm-6pm After Care
Expert Homework Help
Camp-Inspired Jewish Learning
Healthy Snacks
That's less than $150/week for full-service after school care!
Are you Partners of
Temple Sinai or have
a sibling in Gan Sinai?
Save 15%!
Is your child is in
Save 30%!
3 Days/Week
Full-Service includes:
2pm-6pm After Care
Expert Homework Help
Camp-Inspired Jewish Learning
Healthy Snacks
That's less than $160/week for full-service after school care!
Are you Partners of
Temple Sinai or have
a sibling in Gan Sinai?
Save 15%!
Is your child is in
Save 30%!
4 Days/Week
Full-Service includes:
2pm-6pm After Care
Expert Homework Help
Camp-Inspired Jewish Learning
Healthy Snacks
That's about $170/week for full-service after school care!
Are you Partners of
Temple Sinai or have
a sibling in Gan Sinai?
Save 15%!
Is your child is in
Save 30%!
5 Days/Week
Full-Service includes:
2pm-6pm After Care
Expert Homework Help
Camp-Inspired Jewish Learning
Healthy Snacks
That's about $180/week for full-service after school care!
Are you Partners of
Temple Sinai or have
a sibling in Gan Sinai?
Save 15%!
Is your child is in
Save 30%!